CP Students

7th to 12th Graders

Here at Connection Point Church we are invested in the future of the Church. That future lies in part in the hands of teenagers. Students are in a crucial stage in their lives where decisions are being made concerning who they will be and what they will believe. We want to provide an environment where this growth is encouraged without fear!

We want students first to know that they belong. We want them here! Second, we hope students discover the salvation that comes through Jesus and choose to believe in him. Finally, we strive to help students become their best, which we believe can only be done through a relationship with Christ.

Weekly Newsletter is HERE!  

Click HERE for directions to get connected to our text service to help you stay in the loop!

Here is the current calendar of youth events (Click the Month you need):  




District Celebrate Life Sign-Up HERE

Click HERE for the 2024 Activity Waiver & Medical Release Form.

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What to Expect...

when do we meet?

We meet every Sunday night from 6-7:30pm! Then, from 7:30-8pm there is time for open gym." 

WHere do we go?

Come in the gym doors. These can be found next to the carport on the back side of the building.

What do we do?

During our time together we will play games, hang out, and talk about Jesus! 

What do I need?

Just bring you (and maybe a friend too)!